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Artists  Zach Zlov

Label  Discover Dark

We love it when our premium label artists deliver a new track and a new Zach Zlov release is always welcomed with open arms.

Apokolips is one of his best oozing warmth and depth from the growling bottom end which is punctuated by stabs and samples throughout the build.

No discernable breakdown in this, just clever changes in direction and pace that avoid the need for anything remotely "normal" in dance music structure.

And lets face it, who wants Zach Zlov to do normal!!!


We love it when our premium label artists deliver a new track and a new Zach Zlov release is always welcomed with open arms.

Apokolips is one of his best oozing warmth and depth from the growling bottom end which is punctuated by stabs and samples throughout the build.

No discernable breakdown in this, just clever changes in direction and pace that avoid the need for anything remotely "normal" in dance music structure.

And lets face it, who wants Zach Zlov to do normal!!!

1. Apokolips (Original Mix)

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