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World of Illusion


Artists  Para X

Label  Discover Records

Para X is a name on everyones lips right now. His productions are amongst the best in the business and with a debut artist album just around the corner, World of Illusion is an exciting taster of what is to come.

Fans of Para X's work will of course be expecting those emotional breakdowns and strong melodies that are a real signature of his work and he is one of a very small number of producers who manages to tick all the trance boxes whilst avoiding obvious cliches and retaining his own...

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World of Illusion

Para X is a name on everyones lips right now. His productions are amongst the best in the business and with a debut artist album just around the corner, World of Illusion is an exciting taster of what is to come.

Fans of Para X's work will of course be expecting those emotional breakdowns and strong melodies that are a real signature of his work and he is one of a very small number of producers who manages to tick all the trance boxes whilst avoiding obvious cliches and retaining his own unique sound and originality.

Another superb single - we cannot wait for the album!!!

1. World of Illusion (Original Mix)

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