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Artists  Insynthez

Label  Discover Digital

Insynthez debut on Discover with Aida, an uplifter of the highest pedigree.

With choral vocal samples going head to head with acidic riffs and a bubbling bassline, the breakdown then opens up into ethereal beauty backed up by orchestral drums leading into the main riff.

Aida builds layer upon layer to sonic perfection before it kicks back in with all guns blazing.

A superb peaktime debut from this clearly talented producer.


Insynthez debut on Discover with Aida, an uplifter of the highest pedigree.

With choral vocal samples going head to head with acidic riffs and a bubbling bassline, the breakdown then opens up into ethereal beauty backed up by orchestral drums leading into the main riff.

Aida builds layer upon layer to sonic perfection before it kicks back in with all guns blazing.

A superb peaktime debut from this clearly talented producer.

1. Aida (Original Mix)

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