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Universo Paralelo


Artists  Selim Ozkaya

Label  Discover Records

Selim Ozkaya has been one of the finds of 2021.

His debut on Discover Dark, the brilliantly titled "Illegal Acid Violation" spent weeks in the charts and "Universo Paralelo" looks set to follow suit.

Big on the acid, if it was a disinfectant it would also be tough on germs, but instead you will just have to put up with it being the peak of your set or the tune of your night.

Huge does not do this justice - get involved!!!!

Universo Paralelo

Selim Ozkaya has been one of the finds of 2021.

His debut on Discover Dark, the brilliantly titled "Illegal Acid Violation" spent weeks in the charts and "Universo Paralelo" looks set to follow suit.

Big on the acid, if it was a disinfectant it would also be tough on germs, but instead you will just have to put up with it being the peak of your set or the tune of your night.

Huge does not do this justice - get involved!!!!

1. Universo Paralelo (Original)

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