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Concerto Grosso / Endless


Artists  Michael Dow

Label  Discover White Label

Michael Dow has been releasing tracks on a string of cool labels since the mid 2000's including Detox, Slinky and our own Kill the Lights imprint. Dow returns to Recoverworld with his debut single on Discover White Label - and what a cracking single it is.

'Concerto Grosso' opens the release with melody and fierce energy in high-supply. Second track 'Endless' rounds out the release with ecstatic, euphoric Trance.

Concerto Grosso / Endless

Michael Dow has been releasing tracks on a string of cool labels since the mid 2000's including Detox, Slinky and our own Kill the Lights imprint. Dow returns to Recoverworld with his debut single on Discover White Label - and what a cracking single it is.

'Concerto Grosso' opens the release with melody and fierce energy in high-supply. Second track 'Endless' rounds out the release with ecstatic, euphoric Trance.

1. Concerto Grosso (Original Mix)
2. Endless (Original Mix)

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