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Mass Effect


Artists  Thomas Datt

Label  Discover Records

Thomas Datts new singles are always eagerly awaited and this one does not disappoint.

Thomas is one of the few trance producers to have a unique sound underpinned by the fact that he is one of the best riff writers around.

With that in mind you have the right to expect something special and Mass Effect is exactly that. It has intensity, drive and emotion all packaged beautifully in one of Thomas's best productions to date.

On remix duty we have the experienced Austrian duo Dust and H...

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Mass Effect

Thomas Datts new singles are always eagerly awaited and this one does not disappoint.

Thomas is one of the few trance producers to have a unique sound underpinned by the fact that he is one of the best riff writers around.

With that in mind you have the right to expect something special and Mass Effect is exactly that. It has intensity, drive and emotion all packaged beautifully in one of Thomas's best productions to date.

On remix duty we have the experienced Austrian duo Dust and Heatcliff who have already had their debut release on Discover earlier this year and who drive their interpretation even further into peak time territory.

1. Mass Effect (Original Mix)
2. Mass Effect (Dust And Heatcliff Remix)
Remixed by: Dust And Heatcliff

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